senag is a recognized leader in the realms of data engineering and data science for the discovery of (hidden) knowledge in large, integrated data sets.
We help customers make informed decisions based on their data and ubiquitous latent knowledge.
We do not tolerate objectionable and illegal actions made by customers based on our services or solutions.
Data security and privacy has always been and continues to be a serious concern and it is being adequately considered in our software.
hidden knowledge
Do you have heaps of data, not knowing what to do with? Do you feel compelled to find the treasure apparently hidden therein as alleged by Big Data marketing?
We help provide increased transparency by uncovering knowledge deeply hidden in the available data.
M. Leu, CEO & founder of senag
We Help Customers Exploit Their Most Diverse Data Sources.
senag professionally engages in the realms of data engineering and data science for the discovery of (hidden) knowledge by semantically integrating large data sets and tapping valuable but forgotten structuring or categorizing data.
Merging Different Sources
Data from different sources are merged and semantically linked to form an ever more encompassing unified target database that can be synchronized to remain up-to-date.
Exploit Latent Knowledge
Ubiquitous but largely unnoticed structuring or categorizing data is included and exploited very favorably at little cost for customers to generate additional insights.
Exploring Hidden Knowledge and Gaining Insight From Interconnected Data Sets
Our approach allows to move in complex, multiply connected data nets in novel ways by showing a specified element in its semantic context while offering the possibility to adjust the current focus for additional insight.
Areas of Application
Senag has been working on a vast array of projects.
Areas of application are quite diverse and include the following sectors and disciplines:
Our goal is to find and deliver a tailored solution serving the individual needs of each and every of our clients.
Dr. M. Ilg, CIO of senag
Devise and Build Customized Solutions Making the Best out of Customer Data.
We combine senag's proprietary components with 3rd party software, both commercial and public domain, thus finding the best possible solutions for clients.
Project Deliverables
The project deliverables can either be anything from a concept to a feasibility study, a prototype, or a deployable solution.
Synchronized Data Pipelines
For the purpose of integrating various data sources structured in different ways an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process is being set up supporting automated synchronization.
Complementary Services
We also offer some frequently requested services to round off our portfolio including
We share our long-term experience with our customers
Challenge us by letting us jointly solve your problem. Your satisfaction is our success.
Ch. Marti, co-founder of senag
Creatively Combining Tools and Scientific Paradigms From Different Fields
Based on a deep understanding of the underlying information technology and long-term experience in the field, senag has acquired the necessary know-how for solving many of today's problems mainly in the area of data engineering and data science.
Development of Innovative Proprietary Software
We develop client-specific software based on some of the most recent technologies and concepts in data analysis, data modeling, visualization, and user interaction. We successfully manage the orchestration of diverse tools, be it leading-edge public domain software, senag proprietary, or even widespread commercial tools.
Knowing the Limitations of Methodologies and Tools
To obtain reliable results, it is important to know and understand the intended areas of application and the limitations of any of the deployed tools and methodologies.
senag's knowledge map includes some of the most advanced IT technologies: – Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Framework is senag's explainable AI framework for semantic data aggregation, management, analysis, traversal, and visualization.
Bitemporal Semantic Graph Database
Effective bitemporal semantic graph database (bitemporal triplestore) built from ground up to facilitate cognitive computing. It keeps the knowledge in a human-like representation by means of predicates among concepts in a semantic network.
GraphTraverser and Visualizer for Knowledge Discovery
A state-of-the art tool to effectively support the exploration of large, connected data sets (both prefetched and on-the-fly). It features advanced data navigation and visualization techniques offering a novel GUI.
Powerful Semantic Search Agents
Developed to complement and boost traditional text-based search with semantic capabilities and fuzzy matching techniques.
Biologically Inspired Computing
Phenomena found in biology are modeled to augment traditional techniques e.g., a stimuli-driven algorithm for detecting trends or an enhanced genetic algorithm for solving global optimization problems.
Explainable artificial intelligence
Explainable AI (XAI), often overlapping with interpretable AI, or explainable machine learning (XML), either refers to an artificial intelligence (AI) system over which it is possible for humans to retain intellectual oversight, or refers to the methods to achieve this. The main focus is usually on the reasoning behind the decisions or predictions made by the AI which are made more understandable and transparent. XAI counters the "black box" tendency of machine learning, where even the AI's designers cannot explain why it arrived at a specific decision.